Crazy Capers will provide a quality out of school hours service for children aged between 4 and 14 years, which is easily accessible and fun for all.
- To provide a high quality and standard of childcare between 8 & 9am and 3 & 6pm Monday to Friday during term time, and between 8am & 6pm during school holidays.
- To allow parents/carers to return to/to continue to work, /further their education, safe in the knowledge that their children are being cared for in a safe, secure and friendly atmosphere which promotes fun for all.
- To provide a child led service which above all is fun.
- To provide a safe, secure and happy environment that children enjoy coming to.
- To continuously work towards improving the varied and stimulating activities which are provided for the children, to ensure that they find them interesting.
- To provide a friendly and relaxed atmosphere within our service, where everyone feels welcome and valued
- To provide positive role models for children.
- To promote an ethos of equality and fairness which; respects and values all members of society.
- To meet all relevant legislation applying to out of school care providers.
- To establish strong links with schools, local facilities and services.
- To establish a team of professional playcarers which; works effectively towards the success of Crazy Capers.
This statement was adopted by Crazy Capers on ……………………………………
This statement was revised and readopted on 29/10/08
This policy was revised and readopted on 19/01/09
This policy was revised and readopted on 27/01/10
Fiona Campbell
Managing Director Crazy Capers Ltd.